Monday, 2 September 2013

The day before


 It's the day before school. I have my clothes picked out, I have my bag together (on a side note, davin is adamant that I take my backpack. My thinking is, if everything you need for the day fits in a shoulder bag...why not!?) and I'm sitting here feeling scared and calm all at the same time. It's quite an unnerving feeling to be honest. 

 I am a person who needs to know what's going to happen in the run of a day, and all I know about tomorrow is that I need to be there by 830am. I'm not okay with this lack of knowledge and direction. Some may say I need to be in control because I need to know what's always going on. I say, I just don't like to be surprised. You know what, I will go with the other people with this one. I do need to be in control, which is what is going to make me successful in the kitchen. I hope. 

 I have been waiting for this day for three years! And I can't believe it's finally here! I can't wait to get all my kitchen equipment! I can't wait to put on my chef uniform!...I do have one part of my uniform. My black leather, none slip kitchen shoes. UGLY. I have a picture of them, but I'm not quite sure how to upload it yet. Ugly kitchen shoes to be shown later. And yes, I can feel your excitement! 

 That's all I have for now. Until tomorrow blog world. 

NOTE: I know there will be spelling mistakes. Grammar and spelling police can take a step back. Just skip over those words and bad sentences. Also, I can't promise that there will not be any cuss words in here for any of my little people that may read these. 
Ugly kitchen shoes.