My apologies.
Friday DAY was good. We are working on a Pumpkin milk chocolate cake. I loth pumpkin, BUUUT this cake is so good. You would never know its pumpkin. Now, Friday was 4 days this is a challenge for me to remember.
...oh! I signed up for a chocolate event so chef was showing us some of the chocolate he got for it. I mean this isn't Hershey's crap (no offence to anyone who likes hersheys) This is chocolate from all over the world. Amazing stuff. God help the first person to burn this chocolate or screw it up in anyway. Please god let it not be me!
So, after I was done being giddy and cuddling all the bags of expensive chocolate, chef put something in my hand. It didn't feel real. It felt like a plastic piece of fruit. But, with my amazing brain power I was able to figure out that It was real.
I was holding it and trying to think what It could be and when someone asked chef what it was my brain clicked and I yelled "OH MY GOD! ITS A COCOA POD!!" - very exciting. Good job brain.
I've neer seen a cocoa pod before (and yes I have a picture for you!) I can not wait to crack that shit open!
Then the day ended with no fuss or muss and we all went home. I hurried home because I had a to-do list longer than my grandfathers long underwear (IF that doesn't make sense just roll your eyes and keep reading, Its all I have for material right now..) So I sat down at the computer and started typing up all my notes and recipes.
Side note: If any of my classmates have no started typing their recipes I seriously pity them...It takes FOREVER!
Anywho...I have the attention span of a gold fish and I just type whatever comes in to my brain..cripes! back on track ashley..
Take two..I started typing up all my notes and for the last few days I have been smelling this funky smell and even after cleaning and emptying an already empty litter box and the garbages - It was still there. I asked Davin if he noticed it. Of course he said he didn't smell help what so ever.
It may not have been bothering him, but it was driving me crazy! So I closed the lap top and did some more investigating in to the source of the smell. It was not the hall way, or the bathroom...It was definitely in the second bedroom. So then I got down on my hands and knees and started sniffing like a dog (smells drive me crazy! I have an amazing nose. Its a curse more than a gift) I made my way over to a bookshelf and stuck my nose underneath it. WHOA! I think I found it. I muster all my strength and lift this thing and slide it out. I get a waft of what smells like ammonia and propane, really nasty. I look down and its kinda dark. I see toy mouse, toy mouse, toy mouse...what in the fuck is that black thing?....toy mouse...
I think I know exactly what it is. A mouse. I still can't really see but I'm hoping its a piece of cat shit (I'm making it sound like my apartment is dirty, its not. At all. I would just rather a piece of kitty poo than a mouse is all..) I so badly don't want it to be a mouse that I am praying my cat took a poop, and somehow lifted it out of her litter box and rolled it under the bookshelf. Pathetic eh? That, that is the best scenario I can come up with..
I of course can't find a flash light, so I grab my phone. Ah! yes, If I take a picture the flash will come on and I can see what it is. I'm brilliant! soooo *flash* AHHH!! HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT! IT'S A FUCKING MOUSE!! I SCREAM. Throw my phone (you know, attack of the mouse picture..) and spin in circles while still screaming and shaking my hands. Do I know how to say calm in a situation or what?
I RUN out of my apartment..then run back in and throw patches in the bathroom. I could just picture her picking this dead stinky mouse up and dragging it around the apartment. Then I would have to move and burn my furniture. Easier to put her in the bathroom. Then I RUN out of the apartment again and down to the landlord. His wife answers the door and I'm running on the spot and still waving my hands and said "oh my god! mouse! dead! please come get it! It stinks!" He grabs some gloves and a garbage can and comes and takes it away. I was not going to touch it. So It's little physical body is gone, but the smell is still there.
So I call my dad and ask him how to get dead mouse smell out of carpet. Baking soda. Baking soda and water to make a paste, rub that in. Then I sprinkled half a box of dry on top of that. Took the smell out. Impressive. Helpful tip for the day! I hope your cat doesn't like to hide dead animal caucuses under your furniture like mine does.
I called Davin at work to tell him how I almost died. Okay, that MIGHT be an over exaggeration. But i COULD of and thats whats important here. If it was alive and I moved that bookshelf and It jumped on my neck and chewed on me, then I could of died. But I survived. He owed me a present for dealing with that. I got cheesecake :) He's a good husband.
When he got home from work we pulled out the fridge and stuff to make sure none of its family members were chilling out. It's all clear. This better be my first and LAST mouse where I'm living.
Then I light some candles and go to bed. 11:30 and the smoke alarm goes off. We run out of the bedroom (I need to say, I was going to bed, davin was in the bedroom for a bit then coming back out to watch tv...thats why the candles were still going.) And the whole place is full of black smoke! From one little candle. I almost died TWICE!
It was a rough day. Holy crappers.
I know this is a blog about my journey through pastry school, but I needed to share this story with the world. And to let any other mice know that I will not tolerate them coming in to my house to get warm! Go visit my neighbour!
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
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Beautiful amazing cocoa pods! |
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My cats collection of mice. Both real and fake. Commence shrieking in..3...2...1.. |
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