First thing is first. HOW BEAUTIFUL WAS IT TODAY!? holy lord, 15 degrees. Never thought winter would leave and spring would come but I think its starting to happen. Semi warm weather and Sunshine make me so dang happy. I can hardly believe that I am almost finished. It's been fast but long (if that makes any sense at all) It's been frustrating and infurating, and it's been one of the best experiences of my life. If I could just stay and bake and learn from Jean-Luc I would (without paying). It's been a short 9 months to learn as much as we did, I could use a little bit longer. On the other hand I am so excited to be done and to start my work placement and hopefully get a job. So many wonderful things to happen - I can feel it.
This week we are working on our GIANT Easter Eggs! I have been excited for this project since I saw them on display at the Halifax Shopping Center last year. Before school started in September I had ideas drawn out in a little notebook - I was really looking forward to this project!
When Chef started talking about this prohect we found out that this year we are doing it in partners. They usually get raffled off for charity. I think it's towards MS...but I'm not quite sure. Anyways, this year it didn't get set up, so they won't be at the Shopping Center. They will be staying at the school to be raffled off.
I can't tell you what I'm making because I want it to be a surprise. I will however show you these..
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hmmm? |
Thats all you get.
Making the egg was a little nerve wracking. A LOT of chocolate had to be tempered. Then we each took a half of the mold filled it about half way with chocolate and we rolled the chocolate around it in for a long while until the chocolate started to cool and get thick. Then we ran a paint brush through the chocolate and up the sides to make the shape thicker. Once the chocolate was almost set we put our pieces together and I leaned all my body weight on it for a few minutes to make sure both sides were touching. Then it got a few KG of weights on the top of it and we just let it set. Then it went in the fridge to finish setting.
The worst part about chocolate work is when you think you are done what you need to do..but you soon discover that you really aren't. By the time you realize you have more work to do the tempered chocolate thats in your bowl has completely set and you need to start over. Melt chocolate, pour on to marble, temper, put back in bowl. GET ALL YOUR MOLDS DONE THIS TIME DUMMY! haha.
The first 5 times I didn't mind retempering. After Not happening. There is chocolate everywhere. All over the bowl, up my arms, all over my apron, hands are's probably on my face. No. More. Tempering.
Although I do get very excited when I unmold my chocolates and they are all shiny and beautiful. Ah , the satisfaction of perfectly tempered chocolate.
Tomorrow it will get all the finishing touches and I HOPE that it turns out like its suppose to. Please Please Please Please Please! Cross your fingers for me :)
Today we also had to hand in our portfolios to be marked. I am in love with my portfolio. I worked hard on it and it shows. Very happy with that project.
We also had our Excel exam. As soon as I know I have to do Excel I get an instant headache. I can do it, I can make a chart...I just don't like doing other peoples formulas. I don't think I got 100 on it, but I'm pretty sure I passed. Thank the lord. Excel was not going to be the thing that took me down this year. Excel is completely over with and I could not be more thrilled!
I have a continous song in my head lately "And now..the end is near. And so I face the final curtain..."
haha. Then soon it will be the graduation song. *squeal!*
I'm off to go chill out with some blankets.
Have a wonderful evening!
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