This week has been very busy, I know its only Tuesday...but its been busy. We have all been getting ready for our end of the year buffet called 'Touch of class.'
We are in groups of two and we plan our own menu have 3 days to make everything, then on Wednesday we have 200 people from the industry some to check out what we do. Sometimes jobs come of it, sometimes they don't.
I'm still not sure how our buffet is going to come together. I hope everything does. I really do, failure is not an option for me. When I look around at what other people are doing I see a lot of talent so I know I need to step up my game. On the different side of the coin, it makes me feel better when I look around and see people struggling. Not because I like to see them struggle (I don't), but because I know I'm not alone when it comes to second guessing myself and struggling a little while trying to pull it together.
I've been making some silly mistakes that have luckily been fixed...for now...hopefully lol. When we were making our mousse cake I forgot to line my ring with asatate. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, its sort of like a piece of plastic that goes between your product and the cake ring to keep it from sticking. Makes your finished product look cleaner.
Luckily our mousse cake wasn't completely mousse, we lined it with a decoration sponge. So after we started to fill the ring my partner, sara, said "..umm..were we suppose to line this with asatate first?" and I froze, looked at her, leaned on the table and said "...yes. Shit!" - Today I learned that it is possible to wiggle a piece of asatate between your decoration sponge and a cake ring while your mousse cake is half built. IT CAN BE DONE! ..and thank god it can or else I would of had a melt down. MELT DOWN! Hopefully it turns out alright, I guess we will find out tomorrow. dun dun duuuuuun.
We made so many yummy things today. We made an apple and walnut bunt cake that will be drizzled with a maple glaze. We needed to make a cake using local seasonal ingredients. Can't wait for that one. We made mini carrot cake cookies, we made a mocha torte, red velvet macarons, lemon mousse cake and some other things I can't recall right now.
Oh get this. I grated my knuckle today...mmmmm knuckle cookies. haha Don't worry, I was very professional and threw out my carrots and washed everything.
I was grating carrots for our cookies and thinking that I was all that and a bag of potato chips I went faster than I should of and...gggrrrraaaaattteee. Knuckle. Luckily it was only one chunk. Hurt though. I even thought to myself while I was grating "just wait until I grate my will happen. But I'm awesome today so maybe it won't.." My stupid brain set me up for failure. It told me i was awesome... oh well! Bandaid, glove and move on.
Want to see a picture? you go!
Don't worry, I don't have a disease. I just took my bandaid off. I prune up faster than...a prune. Yeah thats right.
OH! we made Canele! (pronounced Can-a-lay) we haven't made these in class yet, Sara and I really wanted to make (and eat) them so we decided to try our hand and make them for our buffet as our coffee cake. We have these beautiful copper molds that are a whopping $25.00 EACH! When I oiled and seasoned them I was working with 750.00 worth. Absolutely crazy. It's really fun to be able to use these because I know after school I probably won't come across these molds again. I know I sure as hell can't afford them.
We filled the molds a little to much, so they had a fluffy top to them instead of being straight up and down. They were so nice. They had a beautiful caramelized outside with a custard gooey inside. The bottom of ours weren't dark enough though, we had them baking on a baking tray which stopped some of the heat from getting through. So tomorrow when we remake them we will be putting them all in the oven individually.
If you have never tried a Canele and you come across one in a pastry shop, try it out! It's worth it. We made 17 and and I believe Chef ate 90% of them on his own. I left mine on the table because it was close to lava (temperature wise) and when I went back for it, it was gone. "Where is my Canele? I was waiting until it cooled down to eat it.." "oh. That was yours? I ate it. They are bite size so every time I walked by I popped one in my mouth." *blank stare* - You can't leave anything around on a table, that man will eat it. haha.
Did I tell you about the time I screamed at him for eating one of my raspberries? LOL! He should know not to eat my stuff by now. haha.
Here are our Canele that we made today.
See how the tops (really the bottom) are so pale? They should be dark like the rest of it. Try again tomorrow!
We also have to do a centrepiece. good god...I'm not the most artistic person who ever lived, so this part is a challenge for me. I had an original idea, we couldn't make it work. So I came up with a new idea..It's working. But we are down to the wire on time. So this afternoon I was painting a sign and doing these individual dots to try and make a sign that looks like lights. I thought "I'm going to take this home to work on it, but I better cover it up because its pouring outside."
So I prance around and get a cake board and a plastic bag. Insert my sign in to bag. Bag sticks to the paint (which I thought was dry) NOOOOOO! NO MAMA NO!!! I scream, and my friend helps me get the bag off. Smudged. I carefully place my sign down..don't want to hurt it more while I'm freaking out! *insert freak out* haha I grab the plastic bag, raise it over my head and start shredding it up in anger. lol oh god the frustration. It was looking so good! and I have no time to re do this. Time to walk away and deal with it tomorrow. I'm going to just paint over the white smudges in black and hope it works.
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So.Angry. Damn smudges. It's going to say "The Roaring Twenties" |
Wish us luck tomorrow with our buffet. Its going to be a very very long day.
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